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Customer Reviews
Reviews about the "PURINA Busy Heartyhide Real BeefHide Dog Treat, 5-Ounce (Pack of 6)"
The Average Review score is 4.2 on a scale of 5.0. Total 6 reviewers are considered to generate the average review. Some of the new or latest reviews in Dogs Treats might be helpful and interesting to you. This average review is fetched by admin and posted on 10 June
5 stars
4 stars
1 star
#5 Stars: 4 , #4 Stars: 1 , #1 Star: 1
[ 1.0 stars ]
"My doggy loves these chews! They last for quite a while - they are one of her favorite treats! TYVM!! ..."
Courtesy by Amazon - The Dogs Treats review is genenrated by Lindalu
which was written on January 18, 2014
Review fetched on April 12, 2014 by My Pet Supplies.
[ 5.0 stars ]
"My pup loves these chews. Some are a little thick for him as he is a smaller dog; they keep him busy and that is the point. ..."
Courtesy by Amazon - The Dogs Treats review is genenrated by NMR2010
which was written on December 28, 2013
Review fetched on April 12, 2014 by My Pet Supplies.
[ 5.0 stars ]
"Our puppy absolutely LOVES these after a good romp at the dog park or after one of our long walks.These are kinda messy. Our puppy likes to lick them clean 1st. That makes her paws turn brownish and the carpet turn brownish as well. But it's well worth her happiness! ..."
Courtesy by Amazon - The Dogs Treats review is genenrated by Eileen
which was written on July 21, 2013
Review fetched on April 12, 2014 by My Pet Supplies.
[ 5.0 stars ]
"Very satisfied with the product and service. It's a great pacifier for the dog and keeps him quite busy! Thank you! ..."
Courtesy by Amazon - The Dogs Treats review is genenrated by dohinc
which was written on June 23, 2013
Review fetched on April 12, 2014 by My Pet Supplies.
[ 4.0 stars ]
"I can no longer get the beef flavored Busy rawhide treats at my local grocer. I've ordered a 6 pack twice. Both orders were fast and the product does not expire until 2015. I was a little concerned when I placed the orders that these might be old packages, but the boxes that I have received were well before the expiration date. Oh, and my dog just loves them. The beef flavor will stain, so be ..."
Courtesy by Amazon - The Dogs Treats review is genenrated by RobinW
which was written on June 5, 2013
Review fetched on April 12, 2014 by My Pet Supplies.
Average Review : 4.0 of 5.0, produced from 3 customer reviews.
Product Specification
Purina Busy
Purina Busy
Purina Busy
Pet Products
Purina Busy
Purina Busy
PURINA Busy Heartyhide Real BeefHide Dog Treat, 5-Ounce (Pack of 6)
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