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Great Dog Cow Tube Pieces–1 Pound Bag (Sourced and Made in USA), My Pet Supplies

Great Dog Cow Tube Pieces–1 Pound Bag (Sourced and Made in USA)

Cow Tube Pieces, sold in a 1 pound bag, are US sourced beef trachea and a great source of chondroitin sulfate which may ease still joints
Cow Tube Pieces are fun to eat, "cracking" when chewed with lots of fat tailings left on making cow tubes both entertaining and tasty!
Cow Tube Pieces are 100% digestible making them an excellent alternative to rawhide
Pieces range in size from .5 inch to 3 inches and a great value for the multi-dog family, providing tasty chewing enjoyment
No smokes, soaks, washes, nitrates, colorants, BHA or BHT added Great Dog Cow Tube Pieces come in a 1 pound bag, are US sourced beef trachea and great for the multi-dog family. Cow Tube Pieces are fun for dogs to eat, "cracking" when chewed, have lots of fat tailings left on for added enjoyment and are completely digestible making them a great alternative to rawhide. Cow Tubes are also a great source of chondroitin sulfate which may ease still joi More »


Price : $18.25

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