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Shampoo for Dogs with Allergies, Dry, Itchy and Sensative Skin- 8 Ounce Concentrate Makes 40 Ounces of Soothing Shampoo , a Great Value, My Pet Supplies

Shampoo for Dogs with Allergies, Dry, Itchy and Sensative Skin- 8 Ounce Concentrate Makes 40 Ounces of Soothing Shampoo , a Great Value

All Natural Shampoo for Dogs with Allergies or Dry, Itchy skin
Sooths and Promotes Healing of Hot Spots
Safe and Gentle
Contains: Tea Tree Oil, Shea Butter and Sunflower Oil (Vitamin E), Allantoin, Panthenol (Vitamin B5), D-Limonene
All Natural, 8 ounce concentrate makes 40 ounces of Anti Itch Shampoo- Great Value All Natural Shampoo for dogs with allergies or with dry,sensitive or itchy skin. It's painful to watch your four legged child scratch or lick themselves raw. Critter Comfort "Anti-Itch" Shampoo was formulated specifically to sooth the skin stop the itch and leave a silky coat. The secret formula, used by world class breeders is now available on Amazon for your four legged family. More »


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