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Flea Control for Dogs And Puppies Over 55 Lbs 4 Month Supply by Advantage, My Pet Supplies

Flea Control for Dogs And Puppies Over 55 Lbs 4 Month Supply by Advantage

Flea Control for Dogs And Puppies Over 55 Lbs 4 Month Supply
Advantage - The Flea Specialist! 4 Month Supply
100% safe and secure shopping; Superior customer service.
This item has high quality with reasonable price.
Our most popular model. Advantage Flea Control is a monthly application that kills 98% to 100% of fleas and their larvae within 12 hours. In addition, re-infesting fleas are killed within 2 hours. Kills fleas before they have the chance to lay eggs - thus breaking the flea life cycle. Effective up to 6 weeks! Advantage is applied to the back of the neck on cats and between the shoulder blades on dogs. It spr More »


Price : $49.39