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Flea and Tick Control for Dogs 20-55 lbs 6 Month Supply by Advantix, My Pet Supplies

Flea and Tick Control for Dogs 20-55 lbs 6 Month Supply by Advantix

Flea and Tick Control for Dogs 20-55 lbs 6 Month Supply
K9 Advantix provides protection from more biting pests than the leading competitor.
100% safe and secure shopping; Superior customer service.
This item has high quality with reasonable price.
Our most popular model. 5 Way Repel-and-Kill Pest Protection K9 Advantix combines imidacloprid and permethrin to repel and kill ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes that may cross your dog's path. Each ingredient begins to affect pests through contact, attacking parasite nerve cells at different sites. When combined, the two compounds overwhelm the parasite's nervous system.1 This leads to rap More »


List Price : $338.99

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Price : $77.99