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12 MONTH K9 ADVANTIX Red (for dogs 21-55lbs), My Pet Supplies

12 MONTH K9 ADVANTIX Red (for dogs 21-55lbs)

Each package of K9 Advantix for Dogs lasts 4 to 6 months (One vial per month)
Kills 98%-100% of fleas within 12 hours - helpful in dogs with Flea Allergy Dermatitis
Protects against deadly Lyme Disease, spread by ticks
Repels and kills mosquitos, carriers of dangerous West Nile Virus
Water-resistant, easy to apply formula stays on in baths or in the rain British Advantix is the same as US Advantix, just a lot cheaper and packaged with the metric system written on the boxes, instead of pounds. It is made in the same Bayer factory. It is legal for an individual to purchase it, but it cannot be resold in the US. More »


Price : $142.99