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NRG Maxim Grainless Dog Food-1.7LB-BEEF, My Pet Supplies

NRG Maxim Grainless Dog Food-1.7LB-BEEF

NRG Maxim Grainless Dog Food. NRG Maxim grain-less formula is balanced for all life stages. Maxim is an all natural salad rich in phyto nutrients and dehydrated with free range meats. NRG allows you to create the ultimate balanced fresh raw grain-less ration for your canine without the inconvenience that a typical raw diet requires. NRG's applied science department has developed a process to etch raw protein and destroy ecoli and salmonella bacteria without applying heat thereby pre
serving enzyme integrity. Ingredients: Free Range Beef squash carrots pumpkin eggs liver grapefruit wheat germ broccoli cranberries papaya garlic goat milk yogurt flax seed salmon fillet apples cider vinegar limes kelp blueberries eggshell coconut oil. Nutrient Analysis: kcal/cup: 500 Protein: 26% Fat: 18% Fibre: 3.5% Calcium: 0.95% Phosphorus: 0.85% Sodium: 0.30% Potassium: 0.84% Sulphur : 0.31% Magnesium: 0.2% Copper: 3mg/kg Iron: 85mg/kg Zinc: 61 mg/kg Mangane
se: 52mg/kg 7 516 IU Beta Carotene/kg NRG Maxim Grainless Dog Food. NRG Maxim grain-less formula is balanced for all life stages. Maxim is an all natural salad rich in phyto nutrients and dehydrated with free range meats. NRG allows you to create the ultimate balanced fresh raw grain-less ration for your canine without the inconvenience that a typical raw diet requires. NRG's applied science department has developed a pro More »

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