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Insect Shield Dog T-Shirt, Medium, My Pet Supplies

Insect Shield Dog T-Shirt, Medium

Insect Shield Dog T-shirt repels ticks, mosquitoes, ants, flies, chiggers, and midges! It is not rated for fleas, but since the active ingredient, permethrin, is contained in many flea products, so we would suspect that it would also discourage fleas.
Long lasting: Repels insects through 70 launderings!
The Insect Shield Dog T-shirt is so easy to use! Pull over style shirt. Slip it over your dogs head and place your dog's legs through the arm holes and you're set for bug-free adventures with a cute sporty style!
No odor!: The repellant in the Insect Shield fabric is completely undetectable.
Safe! Reduce your dog's exposure to chemicals, sprays or topicals since none of the insecticide gets onto your dog's skin.
How it works: The Insect Shield T-shirt by Doggles, is made of fabric that is bonded (by magic!) to permethrin using the same EPA rated technology as that for human Insect Shield clothing. Permethrin is a man-made derivative of Chrysanthemum flower extract. Permethrins have been used in flea and tick dips, shampoos, etc for dogs for many years. We were told by the InsectShield representative that the T-shirt should repel insect for a 3' radius, so your dog's tail and head should also be protected. Insect Shield Dog T-shirt by Doggles uses safe, state-of-the-art insect repelling technology to protect your dog from a variety of insects that can carry dangerous diseases as well as irritate your dog (and gross out their humans). Lightweight and breathable cotton-poly blend is great for even warm days (you could wet it to make it a cooling product!). Grey color with reflective detai More »


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