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Hikari 2-Ounce Cichlid Excel Floating Pellets for Pets, Mini, My Pet Supplies

Hikari 2-Ounce Cichlid Excel Floating Pellets for Pets, Mini

Floating pellets allow easy monitoring of amount eaten
High wheat-germ content
High in pure-cultured spirulina
High vitamin E content promotes long-term health and vigor
Linolenic acid promotes healthy organs and active reproduction Hikari Cichlid Excel is specially formulated for herbivorous (plant eating) fish. This formula combines wheat-germ, spirulina and vitamins and minerals to provide a diet that is extremely nutritious, easy to digest, provides powerful color enhancement and promotes outstanding growth characteristics. This superior diet can be fed to African Cichlids and many types of plant eating tropi More »


Price : $6.07