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PetAlive Thyro-Pet for Pet Hypothyroid, My Pet Supplies

PetAlive Thyro-Pet for Pet Hypothyroid

PetAlive Thyro-Pet is a 100% natural, safe and effective combination of herbal ingredients for treating hypothyroid conditions in pets. This remedy will improve your pets thyroid functioning and increase the production of thyroid hormones naturally as well as address all the major symptoms associated with hypothyroidism. PetAlive Thyro-Pet contains no added synthetic thyroid hormones and there is therefore no risk of inducing hyperthyroidism in your pet.
Being 100% natural, with no artificial preservatives, PetAlive Thyro-Pet is non-addictive and has NO SIDE EFFECTS. It has become the formula of choice by thousands of satisfied customers around the world for treating hypothyroidism and symptoms in your pets.
The symptoms of hypothyroidism may be insidious in onset and not immediately obvious. Although hypothyroidism (decreased functioning of the thyroid) is not a life-threatening condition, it can certainly decrease your dog or cats quality of life. PetAlive Thyro-Pet will improve your pets thyroid functioning and increase the production of thyroid hormones naturally as well as address all the major symptoms associated with hypothyroidism.
PetAlive Thyro-Pet is manufactured according to the highest pharmaceutical standards. Individual ingredients are well-researched and are natural, safe and effective. The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones which have a number of functions in the body and are particularly critical in maintaining your pets metabolic rate. Any change in the functioning of this gland can have varied effects on your pets health. In some animals the function of the thyroid gland may become compromised and decrease as your pet ages or due to inflammation of the gland More »


Price : $36.95

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