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PetAlive RuniPoo for Healthy Bowel and Digestion in Pets (50 ml), My Pet Supplies

PetAlive RuniPoo for Healthy Bowel and Digestion in Pets (50 ml)

Promotes firm stool formation and healthy bowel functioning, plus soothes the stomach
Ingredients: Plantain (leaf), Lady's mantle (herb), Podophyllum (6C), Sulphur (6C), Arsen alb (6C), Vegetable glycerin, deionized water
Bottle Size: 60ml
Content Type: Liquid
Remedy Type: Herbal RuniPoo Relief is a 100% natural remedy, containing herbal ingredients that have been carefully selected to support digestive balance, support the production of firm stools, and maintain healthy bowel functioning. Presented in easy to administer drops, Ru More »


Price : $39.95