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Oti-Soothe II with Aloe Vera Cucumber Melon Scent (16 fl oz), My Pet Supplies

Oti-Soothe II with Aloe Vera Cucumber Melon Scent (16 fl oz)

A soothing, safe, gentle and effective ear cleansing solution for use
on dogs and cats. Oti-Soothe II with Aloe Vera (16 fl oz) by Vitality Systems Inc. is a soothing, safe, gentle and effective ear cleansing solution for use on dogs and cats. This ear cleansing solution with aloe-vera is for routine cleansing and drying of moist or mildly exudative, waxy ears. Oti-Soothe II has a pleasant cool cucumber melon scent and deodorizes to encourage client compliance. Indicated More »


Price : $18.50


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Product Specification
Available Yes
Binding Misc.
Brand Vitality
EAN 7922315279199
Label Vitality Systems
Manufacturer Vitality Systems
PackageQuantity 1
PartNumber FNOTI003016
ProductGroup Pet Products
ProductTypeName PET_SUPPLIES
Publisher Vitality Systems
Studio Vitality Systems
Title Oti-Soothe II with Aloe Vera Cucumber Melon Scent (16 fl oz)
UPC 481408706549

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