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Oti-Soothe Ear Cleansing Solution with Aloe Vera (8 fl oz), My Pet Supplies

Oti-Soothe Ear Cleansing Solution with Aloe Vera (8 fl oz)

Contains aloe vera and is indicated for routine cleansing and drying
of moist or mildly exudative, waxy ears. Recommended for long-term
long-term control of mild recurrent otitis externa. Oti-Soothe II with Aloe Vera (8 fl oz) by Vitality Systems Inc. is a soothing, safe, gentle and effective ear cleansing solution for use on dogs and cats. This ear cleansing solution with aloe-Vera is for routine cleansing and drying of moist or mildly exudative, waxy ears. Indicated for long-term control of mild recurrent otitis externa. More »


Price : $9.99