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NWC Naturals Total-Digestion Mini-twin Pack Total-Zymes, Total-Biotics Each Jar Treats 100 Cups of Food, My Pet Supplies

NWC Naturals Total-Digestion Mini-twin Pack Total-Zymes, Total-Biotics Each Jar Treats 100 Cups of Food

Vet recommended and top Show Dogs use the Total-Digestion Mini-Twin Pack.
Top seller for over nine years. America's rated #1 for healthy pets.
Total-Zymes utilizing NOW 16 high performance vegetarian enzymes.
New Total-Biotics now with 14 strains and double the probiotics; an average serving now has 2 Billion CFU's°.
Formulated and bottled in the USA. Our powders do not contain any, chemicals, gluten, soy, yeast also wheat free, no preservatives, no artificial coloring or flavoring. Probiotics and Enzymes together make a digestive machine for your pet. Total-Digestion Mini-Twin Packâ„¢ includes Total-Zymes now with 16 Digestive Enzyme Formula a high performance broad-spectrum digestive enzyme formula. Total-Zymes is the most complete pet digestive enzyme product in the world, utilizing 16 high performance plant based enzymes and L.E.A.D.S. Live Enzyme Acti More »


Price : $33.45