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Novifit M – 3 PACK (90 Tablets) 200mg, My Pet Supplies

Novifit M – 3 PACK (90 Tablets) 200mg

Helps support Cognitive function of aging dogs and cats
Novifit is a pure and stable form of SAMe (NoviSAMe) presented in an enteric-coated tablet.
There are no known side effects or drug interactions associated with its use.
It is packaged in quantities of 30 tablets and prescribed by weight for small dogs and cats (Novifit S - 0 lbs.-22 lbs.), medium dogs (Novifit M - 22 lbs.-44 lbs.) and large dogs (Novifit L - 44 lbs.-88 lbs.). Novifit M 3 PACK (90 Tablets) 200mg: Helps support Cognitive function of aging dogs Active Ingredient (per tablet): SAMe/S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine-Tosylate Disulfate ...... 200mg Direction: For Dogs 22 and 44 lbs: 1 tablet once a day for a period of 1 to 2 months More »


Price : $151.79

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