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High Potency Formula – Mash 3 lb, My Pet Supplies

High Potency Formula – Mash 3 lb

Use as a year-round formula for canaries, doves, budgies (parakeets), cockatiels, lovebirds, finches, pigeons and other small birds.
Conversion: All birds should start out and remain on High Potency Formula for a period of at least 6 months.
Special needs: for birds that are molting, overweight, underweight, particularly active, housed in a cold climate, recovering from an illness or affected by liver or kidney disease.
Weaning Birds: Feed High Potency Formula for at least 6-9 months.
Breeding Birds: Birds should be fed High Potency Formula 1-2 months prior to the breeding period and until chicks are weaned or for at least six months before resuming Adult Lifetime Formula. Certified Organic Maximum Nutritional Formula for Small Birds More »


Price : $28.99