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Creative Foraging Systems Large Starter Kit, 3-Inch W by 7-Inch L, My Pet Supplies

Creative Foraging Systems Large Starter Kit, 3-Inch W by 7-Inch L

Avian veterinarians recommend including food foraging as part of your daily feeding regimen
Daily food foraging significantly reduces stress and boredom may reduce feather picking or other negative behaviors
It's so easy fold box together insert honeycomb chamber and fill with food or treats
Increase difficulty level by strategically locating feeders in more physically demanding positions
For best results employ multiple feeders create perch paths to each and relocate on a regular basis Starter Kit Includes 1 Vertical Foraging Box Holder and 10 Foraging Boxes. Birds chew through the chipboard to expose and access the food. In nature birds spend the majority of their day searching for and working to obtain food, there is little time or energy remaining to dedicate to bad behavior and feather destructive behavior is nonexistent. Includes Everything Necessary To Introdu More »


Price : $19.98