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Contech SquirrelStop Automatic Spinning Squirrel Deterrent, My Pet Supplies

Contech SquirrelStop Automatic Spinning Squirrel Deterrent

The weight of a squirrel on the feeder Starts the SquirrelStop spinning for 20 seconds causing the squirrel to jump off
Safe and harmless to squirrels and birds
Works with any hanging feeder up to 10 lbs.
Easy to use - no assembly required
SquirrelStop helps ensure you are feeding birds - not squirrels The SquirrelStop® automatic spinning squirrel deterrent safely and harmlessly protects your hanging bird feeder from squirrels. When a squirrel climbs onto the feeder, the increased weight starts the SquirrelStop® motor, which spins the feeder and causes the squirrel to jump off. Squirrels soon learn to leave your feeder alone – and birds can enjoy their food undisturbed. More »


Price : $49.00

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